If you're looking for a unique lodging experience, the Treehotel in Harads, Sweden is it. This unconventional locale feature six cabins that are all suspended above ground and no two are alike. The varied designs are all delightfully creative takes on a treehouse: they include a bird’s nest and UFO, as well as a mirrored box that reflects its magnificent surroundings in unspoiled nature.
The imaginative cabins aren't just spectacular on the exterior—their interiors are also beautifully decorated. Modern and stylish, they often correspond to what's on the outside. The UFO lodge, for instance, has cosmos-themed pillows, making these places more than just hotel accommodations, but fantasy experiences.
Although secluded, the small village of Harads has Britta’s Pensionat, a multi-use building open to Treehotel guests. There’s a restaurant, bar, sauna, and relaxation area, as well as television and internet that are just a short stroll away from where you’re staying.
Here are some pictures of the exterior and interior of some of the cabins. So, how about you? Interested to stay here?
Bird's Nest (Sarang Burung)
The Mirrorcube (Kotak Kaca)
If you're looking for a unique lodging experience, the Treehotel in Harads, Sweden is it. This unconventional locale feature six cabins that are all suspended above ground and no two are alike. The varied designs are all delightfully creative takes on a treehouse: they include a bird’s nest and UFO, as well as a mirrored box that reflects its magnificent surroundings in unspoiled nature.
The imaginative cabins aren't just spectacular on the exterior—their interiors are also beautifully decorated. Modern and stylish, they often correspond to what's on the outside. The UFO lodge, for instance, has cosmos-themed pillows, making these places more than just hotel accommodations, but fantasy experiences.
Although secluded, the small village of Harads has Britta’s Pensionat, a multi-use building open to Treehotel guests. There’s a restaurant, bar, sauna, and relaxation area, as well as television and internet that are just a short stroll away from where you’re staying.
Here are some pictures of the exterior and interior of some of the cabins. So, how about you? Interested to stay here?
Bird's Nest (Sarang Burung) |
The Mirrorcube (Kotak Kaca) |
Cat Who Got His Own ID Card
Bubba is not your average feline—this cat is a high school student. He attends class just like any other student, keeps his peers company at their desks, and occasionally takes a quick cat nap in the library of California's Leland High School. "His owners live right next to the school," one student explained. "I’ve just gone to school with him for 6 years now. He sat on my lap and took a nap while I was taking my Spanish final." Since the studious cat truly does understand the importance of receiving an education, school officials decided to gift him his very own student ID card. Now, it seems that Leland High School has an unofficial mascot named Bubba.
The Young Girl Who's Best Friends with African Wildlife
Born in Africa to French wildlife photographer parents, Tippi Degré had a most unusual childhood. The young girl grew up in the African desert and developed an uncommon bond with many untamed animals including a 28-year old African elephant named Abu, lion cubs, giraffes, an Ostrich, a mongoose, crocodiles, a baby zebra, a cheetah, giant bullfrogs, and even a snake. Africa was her home for many years and Tippi became friends with the ferocious animals and tribespeople of Namibia. As a young child, the French girl said, “I don’t have friends here. Because I never see children. So the animals are my friends."
Parents Alain Degré and Sylvie Robert documented Tippi's life and relationships with the African wildlife and transformed those moments into captivating books and movies. Tippi of Africa, published in 1998, told Tippi's story of she and her parents, and Tippi's close bonds with wild animals made her quite famous. Her mother said, "She was in the mindset of these animals. She believed the animals were her size and her friends. She was using her imagination to live in these different conditions."
Looking past some fairly obvious and natural parental worries, Tippi had the most amazing upbringing. Not many of us can say that we lived a real life adventure where we rode ostriches in our free time or that our best friend growing up was an African elephant, one of the largest animals to walk the earth!
Panda Accused Of Faking Pregnancy To Get Better Living Conditions
One of the resident giant pandas called Yuan Yuan was exhibiting signs of pregnancy, which is a very exciting thing among captive pandas, and one that can’t happen often enough. Everyone was happy about the news after reading the tell-tale symptoms such as thickening of the uterus and loss of appetite. The panda’s fecal progesterone concentration was also on the rise.
Turns out that the panda’s pregnancy was a false alarm, according to China Daily. Ultrasound scans showed that Yuan Yuan, who was artificially inseminated this year, was not in fact pregnant. The panda is now being faced with accusations she faked he pregnancy in order for the caretakers to shower her with better food and care. Pregnant pandas are usually treated better, moved to single rooms with air conditioning and showered with buns, fruit and bamboo. Panda experts say the panda may have been feigning pregnancy to reap these added benefits.
Salah satu panda raksasa penduduk disebut Yuan Yuan menunjukkan tanda-tanda kehamilan, yang merupakan hal yang sangat menarik di antara panda tawanan, dan salah satu yang tidak sering terjadi. Semua orang senang tentang berita tersebut setelah membaca gejala kirim-kisah seperti penebalan rahim dan kehilangan nafsu makan. Konsentrasi progesteron tinja panda juga meningkat.
Ternyata bahwa kehamilan panda adalah palsu, menurut China Daily. USG scan menunjukkan bahwa Yuan Yuan, yang inseminasi buatan tahun ini, tidak sebenarnya hamil. Panda ini sekarang sedang dihadapkan dengan tuduhan memalsukan kehamilannya agar para pengasuh memberinya dengan makanan dan perawatan yang lebih baik. Panda hamil biasanya diperlakukan lebih baik, pindah ke kamar tunggal dengan pendingin udara dan mandi dengan roti, buah dan bambu. Ahli Panda mengatakan panda mungkin telah pura-pura hamil untuk menuai manfaat tambahan.
Underwater Volcano
A unique video recently obtained by experts in marine engineering Brennan Phillips and his team were on an expedition in this 2015.
When Brennan Philips sent camera instruments to the depth of 45 meters below Kavachi Sea, they were surprised by the presence of the type of sleeper shark who was swimming in a volcanic area.
Phillips and the team was shocked how the shark can live and relax in an environment that is much more hot and sour.
"Those large animals live in an environment that is much more hot and sour, and they relax there," Phillips said as quoted by Kompas from National Geographic, Thursday (09/07/2015).
Kavachi is an active volcano in the shallow waters near the island Vanungu. Mountain, also known as Rejo te Kavachi or Oven Kavachi is one of the most active volcanoes in the Pacific.
It is volcanoes like Kavachi that proves the truth of the Qur'an, when 14 centuries ago it had mentioned the existence of a fire under the sea.
Gunung Api di Bawah Laut
Sebuah video unik baru saja didapatkan oleh pakar teknik kelautan Brennan Phillips bersama timnya yang melakukan ekspedisi pada tahun 2015 ini.
Ketika Brennan Philips mengirim instrumen kameranya ke kedalaman 45 meter di bawah Laut Kavachi, mereka terkejut dengan dengan adanya jenis sleeper shark yang berenang di area gunung api.
Ketika Brennan Philips mengirim instrumen kameranya ke kedalaman 45 meter di bawah Laut Kavachi, mereka terkejut dengan dengan adanya jenis sleeper shark yang berenang di area gunung api.
Keterkejutan Phillips dan tim, hiu itu bisa hidup dan bersantai di lingkungan yang jauh lebih panas dan asam.
"Hewan-hewan besar itu hidup di lingkungan yang jauh lebih panas dan asam, dan mereka bersantai-santai di sana," ungkap Phillips seperti dikutip Kompas dari National Geographic, Kamis (9/7/2015).
Kavachi merupakan gunung berapi yang ada di perairan dangkal dekat Pulau Vanungu. Gunung yang juga dikenal sebagai Rejo te Kvachi atau Oven Kavachi itu merupakan salah satu gunung api paling aktif di pasifik.
Gunung api seperti Kavachi inilah yang membuktikan kebenaran Alquran, ketika 14 abad yang lalu telah menyebutkan adanya api di bawah laut.
Crow Hitches a Ride on a Bald Eagle
Incredible images of an animal very casually hitching a ride on another have been captured – this time, a cheeky crow taking a mid-flight pit stop on the back of a majestic bald eagle.
The photographs were captured by California-based Phoo Chan.
Chan says, “crows are known for aggressively harassing other raptors that are much bigger in size when spotted in their territories and usually these ‘intruders’ simply retreat without much fuss. However, in this frame the crow did not seem to harass the bald eagle at such close proximity and neither did the bald eagle seem to mind the crow’s presence invading its personal space. What made it even more bizarre was that the crow even made a brief stop on the back of the eagle as if it was taking a free scenic ride and the eagle simply obliged.”
Sharing in Ramadan
Gambar yang luar biasa dari binatang yang sangat santai menumpang pada binatang lain telah ditangkap -- kali ini, gagak nakal menumpang pada elang yang sedang di tengah-tengah terbang di udara. Foto-foto itu diambil oleh fotografer berbasis California Phoo Chan.
Chan mengatakan, "gagak dikenal agresif melecehkan predator lain yang jauh lebih besar dalam ukuran ketika terlihat di wilayah mereka dan biasanya para 'penyusup' ini hanya mundur tanpa banyak rewel. Namun, dalam foto kali ini gagak tampaknya tidak mengganggu elang tersebut dan si elang pun tampaknya tidak keberatan dengan kehadiran gagak tersebut yang menyerang ruang pribadinya. Yang membuatnya semakin gila adalah bahwa si burung gagak bahkan berhenti dengan singkat di belakang elang seolah-olah itu adalah tumpangan pemandangan gratis."
A man in Saudi Arabia has put a fridge outside his house and called on neighbours to fill it with food for the needy.
The man, who prefers to remain anonymous, told neighbours this would spare poor people the 'shame' of asking for food, the Gulf News newspaper reports.
The story took off after leading Saudi Muslim cleric Sheikh Mohamad al-Arefe tweeted his approval: "I've always said the people of Hail are generous. A man puts a fridge outside his house for leftover food; an indirect act of charity for the needy. Oh how I love you, Hail!" Sheikh al-Arefe has 8.6 million followers on Twitter and his remark was retweeted more than 5,000 times, according to Saudi news site Akhbar 24. Social media users are calling on mosques and households to put out more fridges, and one person says people should go beyond leftovers and leave freshly-cooked food, adding it was a matter of feeding not only the body but also the soul through a "great act of charity" ahead of the fasting month of Ramadan, which begins at the end of June.
Berbagi di Bulan Ramadan
Seorang pria di kota Saudi Salam telah menempatkan kulkas di luar rumahnya dan meminta tetangga untuk mengisinya dengan makanan bagi yang membutuhkan.
Pria tersebut, yang memilih untuk tidak diketahui namanya, mengatakan kepada para tetangga bahwa hal ini akan mengurangi rasa malu dari orang miskin untuk meminta-minta makanan, seperti yang dilaporkan oleh surat kabar Gulf News.
Cerita ini langsung menyebar setalah ulama Muslim terkemuka Saudi Sheikh Mohammad al-Arefe menulis tweet persetujuannya. "Saya selalu mengatakan bahwa orang-orang kota Saudi Salam murah hati. Seorang pria menempatkan lemari es di luar rumahnya untuk sisa makanan; secara tidak langsung tindakan amal untuk yang membutuhkan. Oh betapa aku mencintaimu, Saudi Salam!" Sheikh al-Arefe memiliki 8,6 juta pengikut di Twitter dan komentarnya itu di retweet lebih dari 5,000 kali, menurut kabar Saudi situs Akhbar 24. Pengguna media sosial menyerukan kepada masjid-masjid dan para rumah tangga untuk menempatkan lebih banyak kulkas di luar. Dan seseorang mengatakan bahwa orang harus menghabiskan makanan mereka dan meninggalkan makanan yang baru dimasak, sambil menambahkan bahwa itu adalah tidak hanya soal memberi makan tubuh tetapi juga jiwa melalui "tindakan amal" menjelang bulan puasa Ramadhan, yang dimulai pada akhir Juni.
Javan Hawk
Is the Burung Garuda, the symbol of Pancasila real? This question must be questioned by most people. Is the animal real or just a myth? Earlier, when Hindu spread in the country, Garuda is known as the vehicle pf Lord Vishnu who is mighty, loyal, and brave. It turns out that the Javan Hawk with the scientific name Spizaetus Bartelsi have common with Garuda about 99 percent. But unfortunately the numbers are now extremely rare and only about 600 birds in the Java island. This is due to the scarcity of Javan Hawk females usually lay eggs once every two years, also their shelter which is forests are destroyed by humans.
Sad, isn't it? From now on promise yourself to preserve the Javan Hawks to survive until tomorrow. Otherwise, Garuda and Pancasila will be just a myth.
An expedition team consisting of 11 scientists and doctors stranded in one of the most remote region in Russia. They had a long journey for 36 days by sea from Russia. At least the new ship will be back for another year.
In the middle of the mission, a Russian doctor, Leonid Rogozov suddenly experienced tremendous abdominal pain. On 29 April, 1961 in the morning, he shivered behind the cold snow. Stomach pains, nausea, fever and limp. His condition continued to deteriorate more nights. The next day, an attempt to bring the doctor to the hospital had failed due to the severe snow storm around the Novolazarevskaya station. Not to mention the distance that must be passed to a hospital for more than 1,600 km.
At that time, only two Rogozov choice. Died because of the risk of complications of appendicits or survival by undergoing surgery alone. The last attempt was finally done. At 02:00 local time, he asked for help from the driver and meteorology to hold a mirror so he could see the inside of his stomach.
Lying and body leaning forward, Rogozov start operations. He dissect the stomach, make an incision 10-12 cm from the abdominal wall, and open the peritoneum (the space inside the lower abdomen). After 40 minutes of surgery, he started to feel weak and experienced vertigo. At one point, he said, his intestines made strange noises. According to his associates, it is enough to make them want to run away. Shortly after resting a few minutes, the operation resumed and around 04:00 it was completed.
In his diary, Rogozov told how he went through the operations. "I did not sleep at all. The pain was incredible! It was like whipped by a blizzard and bitten by hundred wolves," he said, as published by Daily Mail.
"I was scared. But when I inject novocaine, for some reason I immediately did the operation automatically, and since then I do not remember anything else. Bleeding makes me vertigo, and I got weaker and weaker. Every 4-5 minutes, I rested for 20-25 seconds," he said.
After four days of taking antibiotics, the fifth day Rogozov body temperature returned to normal. After a week he was also increasingly recovered. Within two weeks, he was back on duty at the base.
Pocket Shark
Only two people have ever spotted a "pocket shark" in the wild. But government scientists stumbled upon one in their own lab.
Scientists found the 14 centimeters long specimen at a laboratory operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Pascagoula, Mississippi. It had been scooped up in the deep sea about 190 miles off the Louisiana coast during a 2010 mission to study sperm whale feeding, then frozen along with other marine life for study.
"The pocket shark we found was only 14 centimeters long, and was a recently born male," said Mark Grace, lead author of the new study, who noted the shark displayed an unhealed umbilical scar.
"Discovering him has us thinking about where mom and dad may be, and how they got to the Gulf. The only other specimen was found very far away, off Peru, 36 years ago."
While the pocket shark is small enough to fit in your pocket, that's not where it got its name. According to NOAA it's "dubbed 'pocket' because of the distinctive orifice behind its pectoral fin."
The Loving Professor"The pocket shark we found was only 14 centimeters long, and was a recently born male," said Mark Grace, lead author of the new study, who noted the shark displayed an unhealed umbilical scar.
"Discovering him has us thinking about where mom and dad may be, and how they got to the Gulf. The only other specimen was found very far away, off Peru, 36 years ago."
While the pocket shark is small enough to fit in your pocket, that's not where it got its name. According to NOAA it's "dubbed 'pocket' because of the distinctive orifice behind its pectoral fin."
A university professor by the name of Sydney Engleberg from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, has caught the attention of Netizens with his noble feat in class. One student had to bring her baby to class because she was unable to get a babysitter. In the middle of the lecture the baby began to cry. The baby's mom, embarrassed, started to get up and leave.
Surprisingly the professor took the baby from her, soothed him in his arms -- while still continuing on to his lesson! In the photo you can see the baby happily content in his arms while he continues to lecture on organizational management. Engleberg, a father of four and grandfather of five, is known to let mothers attend his lectures with children.
The viral photo has made the 67 year old professor an instant celebrity -- and has gotten numerous letters from admirers coming from around the world.
Seorang profesor universitas bernama Sydney Engleberg dari Universitas Hebrew di Jerusalem, Israel, telah menarik perhatian para pengguna internet dengan perbuatan mulianya di kelas. Salah satu muridnya harus membawa bayinya ke kelas karena ia tidak bisa menyewa babysitter. Di tengah-tengah kuliah, bayinya mulai menangis. Ibu bayi tersebut, karena malu, mulai beranjak berdiri dan pergi.
Tanpa disangka sang profesor mengambil bayi tersebut dari Ibunya, menenangkan bayi tersebut di gendongannya -- sambil melanjutkan mengajar! Di dalam foto kau bisa melihat bayinya dengan senang berada di gendongannya sambil melanjutkan mengajar kuliah di manajemen organisasi. Engleberg, seorang ayah dengan empat anak dan kakek dengan lima cucu, dikenal suka memperbolehkan para ibu menghadiri kuliah dengan membawa anak-anak mereka.
Foto viral itu telah membuat profesor berumur 67 tahun tersebut menjadi selebriti dadakan -- dan sudah mendapatkan banyak sekali surat-surat berdatangan dari para penggemarnya dari seluruh dunia.
Do you know the Invisibility Cloak that you see on movies like Doraemon and Harry Potter? Admit it. You'd love to own one. Well, science has some good news for you: Invisibility cloaks are a reality. Heated via electrical stimulation, the sharp temperature gradient between the cloak and the surrounding area causes a steep temperature gradient that bends light away from the wearer, that makes them seem as though they are not there. The wearer doesn't become completely rendered, but highly translucent and ghost-like.
Kau tau Jubah Tak Terlihat yang kau lihat di film-film seperti Doraemon dan Harry Potter? Akui saja. Kau pasti ingin memiliki satu. Well, sains punya kabar baik untukmu: Jubah tak terlihat itu ada di dunia nyata. Dengan dipanaskan melalui stimulasi listrik, gradien suhu yang tajam antara jubah dan daerah sekitarnya menyebabkan gradien suhu tinggi yang membelokkan cahaya dari si pemakai, yang menyebabkan mereka seperti tak terlihat. Si pemakai tidak menjadi benar-benar hilang, tapi sangat tembus pandang dan mirip seperti hantu.
George The Cat
George is an 8-months-old cat who lives in Austin, Texas, USA. The thing that makes him different from other cats is that he loves to stand on two legs! This makes him become popular on the internet after Andrew, his owner, post his photos on the internet. Andrew isn't sure what prompted George's unusual stance. "Sometimes it is because he hears something, sometimes he does it to scope out an area and sometimes it just seems like he feels a bit suspicious of his surroundings. It really is hilarious." Andrew said.
"He's done it all his life, and he just does it because he's quirky. He isn't in pain, he hasn't been declawed, it's just something that he does," owner Andy Park said in Facebook message. George is also fast becoming a social media star, and now he almost hit 26,000 followers on Instagram!
George adalah kucing yang berumur 8 bulan yang tinggal di Austin, Texas, Amerika Serikat. Hal yang membuatnya berbeda dari kucing lain yaitu ia suka berdiri dengan dua kaki! Ini membuatnya menjadi populer di internet setelah Andrew, pemiliknya, mengunggah foto-fotonya ke internet. Andrew tidak yakin apa yang mendorong sikap George yang tidak biasa itu. "Terkadang karena ia mendengar sesuatu, kadang dia melakukannya untuk menjangkau sebuah area dan kadang tampaknya karena ia merasa curiga akan hal-hal di sekitarnya. Itu benar-benar lucu sekali." kata Andrew.
"Dia sudah melakukannya sepanjang hidupnya, dan dia hanya melakukannya karena dia aneh. Dia tidak sakit, kuku-kukunya tidak dicabut, itu hanyalah sesuatu yang dia lakukan," kata pemiliknya di surat Facebook. George juga cepat menjadi bintang sosial media, dan sekarang dia hampir mencapai 26,000 followers di Instagram!
Lesley was listening to her favorite metal bands as she walked to school on February 25 when a man who said he knew her older brother approached her and asked to use her phone, a Samsung Galaxy Note. When she took the phone out of her pocket, the man grabbed it and ran, Lesley said. Lesley then ran after him.
"I start running to chase him because I wanted my phone back, and he gets in the car and there was a woman with him," she said.
When the man starts driving, Lesley jumped through the window and fought them. With her legs dangling out the window, she pulled the woman's hair and demanding her phone back. During the struggle, the car crashed into a low brick wall near a house.
"I got my phone and then I got off the car, and everyone was telling me it was OK because they called the police," she said, adding she feels safe on her way to class despite the incident. Her father then rushed to the scene. Witnesses there told him about the theft and fight, which left him shocked.
"I never thought — for a phone?" he said. "I'm not mad at her, but I told her, next time if it happens to you, give the phone away."
The single dad said he understood how his daughter felt when the pricey gadget was snatched from her hand — and admitted he understood her spur-of-the-moment reaction.
"I don't need your phone, I need you," he told her.
Lesley sedang mendengarkan band metal kesukaannya sambil berjalan kaki ke sekolah pada tanggal 25 Februari saat seorang pria yang mengaku mengenal abangnya menyapanya dan meminta untuk meminjam telepon genggamnya, sebuah Samsung Galaxy Note. Saat ia mengeluarkannya dari saku, pria itu langsung mengambilnya dan lari, kata Lesley. Lesley kemudian mengejar pria tersebut.
"Aku mulai mengejarnya karena aku ingin telepon genggamku kembali, dan dia masuk ke dalam mobil dan ada seorang wanita bersamanya," kata Lesley.
Saat pria itu mulai menyetir, Lesley melompat ke dalam lewat jendela dan menyerang mereka. Dengan kakinya yang bergelantungan keluar jendela, ia menarik rambut wanita di dalam dan terus mendesak untuk meminta telepon genggamnya kembali. Selama perjuangan tersebut, mobilnya menabrak dinding batu bata di dekat sebuah rumah.
"Aku mendapatkan telepon genggamku kembali kemudian turun dari mobil, dan semua orang mengatakan tidak apa-apa karena mereka sudah menelpon polisi," ujarnya, sambil menambahkan bahwa ia sudah merasa aman selama perjalanannya ke sekolah meskipun telah terjadi insiden tersebut. Ayahnya kemudian langsung meluncur ke TKP. Para saksi di sana memberitahu ayahnya tentang pencuri dan pertarungan tersebut, yang membuatnya terkejut.
"Aku tidak menyangka — untuk sebuah telepon genggam?" kata ayahnya. "Aku tidak marah kepadanya, tapi aku bilang padanya, jika suatu saat hal ini terjadi padamu, berikan saja teleponnya."
Ayah Lesley paham bagaimana perasaan putrinya saat gadget mahal tersebut disambar dari tangannya.
"Aku tidak butuh telepon genggammu, aku butuh kamu," katanya kepada Lesley.
Murray is a woman who works at Bank of America and a skydiver who survived falling from a height of 4400
meters. She occasionally skydived before her accident. On September 25, 1999, she went on a skydive from 4400
meters. Her main parachute could not open, and although her backup parachute
opened at 200 meters, it quickly deflated. She approached the ground at 130
kilometers per hour, landing on a mound of fire ants. Doctors believe that the shock of being stung
over 200 times by the ants released a surge of adrenaline which
kept her heart beating. She suffered serious injuries, shattering the
right side of her body and knocking fillings out of her teeth. She went into a coma for
two weeks but survived after 20
reconstructive surgeries and 17 blood transfusions. She continued work
at Bank of America after the accident. She also took physical therapy sessions
and went on a 37th skydive with her two daughters in 2001.
Joan Murray adalah seorang wanita yang bekerja di Bank of America dan seorang skydiver yang selamat jatuh dari ketinggian 4400 meter. Ia sudah beberapa kali melakukan skydiv sebelum kecelakaan tersebut. Pada tanggal 25 September 1999, ia melakukan skydive dari ketinggian 4400 meter. Parasut utamanya tidak bisa terbuka, dan walaupun parasut cadangannya dapat terbuka pada ketinggian 200 meter, parasut tersebut kempes dengan cepat. Dia jatuh pada kecepatan 130 kilometer per jam dan mendarat pada gundukan api. Para dokter percaya bahwa saking syoknya Joan karena tersengat lebih dari 200 kali oleh semut-semut api tersebut, terjadilah lonjakan adrenalin yang menyebabkan jantungnya terus berdetak. Dia menderita luka serius, tubuh bagian kanannya hancur, dan beberapa giginya copot. Ia sempat koma selama dua minggu tapi selamat setelah 20 operasi rekonstruktif dan 17 transfusi darah. Beliau kemudian melanjutkan bekerja di Bank of America setelah kecelakaan tersebut. Dia juga melakukan beberapa sesi terapi fisik dan kembali melakukan skydive untuk ke 37 kalinya bersama dua putrinya pada 2001.
Joan Murray adalah seorang wanita yang bekerja di Bank of America dan seorang skydiver yang selamat jatuh dari ketinggian 4400 meter. Ia sudah beberapa kali melakukan skydiv sebelum kecelakaan tersebut. Pada tanggal 25 September 1999, ia melakukan skydive dari ketinggian 4400 meter. Parasut utamanya tidak bisa terbuka, dan walaupun parasut cadangannya dapat terbuka pada ketinggian 200 meter, parasut tersebut kempes dengan cepat. Dia jatuh pada kecepatan 130 kilometer per jam dan mendarat pada gundukan api. Para dokter percaya bahwa saking syoknya Joan karena tersengat lebih dari 200 kali oleh semut-semut api tersebut, terjadilah lonjakan adrenalin yang menyebabkan jantungnya terus berdetak. Dia menderita luka serius, tubuh bagian kanannya hancur, dan beberapa giginya copot. Ia sempat koma selama dua minggu tapi selamat setelah 20 operasi rekonstruktif dan 17 transfusi darah. Beliau kemudian melanjutkan bekerja di Bank of America setelah kecelakaan tersebut. Dia juga melakukan beberapa sesi terapi fisik dan kembali melakukan skydive untuk ke 37 kalinya bersama dua putrinya pada 2001.
Frano Selak said to be the luckiest man in the world and some people say he's a cat because he has 8 lives. He survived a train derailing and crashing into an icy river, hypothermia, broken bones, falling from an airplane, a bus crashing into a river, a car catching fire, getting hit by a bus and then surviving crashing his car off of the side of a mountain. He then won a £600,000 lottery too! But he said "money can't buy happiness" so he decided to give all his lottery to his family. What a great guy!
Frano Selak disebut sebagai pria paling beruntung di dunia dan beberapa orang menyebutnya kucing karena ia memiliki 8 nyawa. Ia telah selamat dari kereta tergelincir yang menabrak sungai beku, hipotermia, patah tulang, jatuh dari pesawat, bis yang masuk ke sungai, mobil terbakar, tertabrak bis, dan selamat dari mobilnya yang menabrak tepi gunung. Tak lama kemudian ia juga memenangkan undian sebesar £600,000! Tapi ia berkata "uang tidak bisa membeli kebahagiaan" jadi dia memutuskan untuk memberikan seluruh uang lotere kepada keluarganya. Pria yang hebat!
J.K Rowling
You know J.K. Rowling? She is one of the best-selling author
who wrote the Harry Potter books. She came a long way to become successful like
now. Before she wrote the Harry Potter book, she used to daydream a lot in her
previous work place. Because of that, she got fired and began to write the
first Harry Potter book. No, that's not where she became success all of a
She got rejected by lots of publisher because they thought
her story was different and weird. Those publishers weren't sure if readers would
like it, until one day there was a publisher who accepted and published her
book, and guess what? Her book became best seller and there were so many
readers from all ages who loved it. They asked her to write a Harry Potter
series and that's where she began to write, until finally the books were
brought to big screen and made her one of the most successful author. She is
one of my biggest inspirations.
Happy Ending
is said to be the most romantic city in the world, but also one of the destinations
with the highest suicide rates – 17.5 per 1000 people! Besides poisoning
and hanging, jumping from the 1,063 foot tall Eiffel tower is one of the
most common French suicide methods.
This happened to a depressed
woman who attempted suicide by jumping from the Eiffel tower. Few seconds after
she decided to end her life, she then jumped and landed on the roof of a car that
passed below and survived. Not only that, weeks later she then married the
owner of the car! How romantic!
sering disebut sebagai kota paling romantis di dunia, tapi juga adalah salah satu destinasi dengan tingkat bunuh diri tertinggi – 17.5 per 1000 orang! Di samping
obat-obatan dan gantung diri, melompat dari menara Eiffel setinggi 1,063 kaki
adalah salah satu metode bunuh diri yang paling sering dilakukan orang Prancis.
Hal ini terjadi kepada
seorang wanita depresi yang mencoba bunuh diri dengan melompat dari menara
Eiffel. Beberapa detik setelah ia memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hidupnya, ia
kemudian melompat dan mendarat di atas atap mobil yang sedang melintas di bawah
dan selamat. Tidak hanya itu, beberapa minggu kemudian ia juga menikahi sang
pemilik mobil! Romantisnya!
Book is the window to the world. We can get so many knowledge just by reading a book. Not only it makes us smarter, but reading a real book is actually good for our eyes. Book can be your best friend when you're alone. Book can cheer you up when you feel sad. There will be nothing to lose for the people who read lots of books.
We can't open a book without learning something out of it. There must be at least one important lesson that we get from a book that can change our life. If you're not used of reading thick books, it's okay to start off with thin books and the ones that have drawing inside. I'm sure after you've found out how exciting reading is, you won't stop reading. It's an addiction!
Buku adalah jendela dunia. Kita bisa mendapatkan banyak pelajaran hanya dengan membaca sebuah buku. Tidak hanya membuat kita menjadi lebih cerdas, tapi membaca buku asli juga sebenarnya baik untuk mata kita. Buku dapat menjadi sahabat saat kau sendiri. Buku dapat menghiburmu saat kau merasa sedih. Tidak akan merugi orang-orang yang banyak membaca buku.
Kita tidak bisa membuka sebuah buku tanpa mendapat pelajaran darinya. Pasti setidaknya ada satu pelajaran penting yang bisa kita dapat dari sebuah buku yang dapat mengubah hidup kita. Kalau kau tidak terbiasa membaca buku-buku tebal, tidak ada salahnya untuk memulai dari membaca buku-buku yang tipis dan bergambar. Aku yakin setelah kau menemukan betapa menyenangkannya membaca itu, kau tidak akan berhenti membaca. Pasti ketagihan!
It’s 6 am in the morning. Gio just woke up. “YAAAYYYY ! The day is finally here !” he shouted after he looked at the calendar that hangs up on his wall. He screamed and jumped on his bed as he can’t handle the excitement. Today, Gio and his family are going on a trip to China. They’re going to hike and camp on a mountain and have an adventure. Gio was the most excited out of the family members, because he loves nature and adventure so much. His parents have booked a flight this morning and they have to arrive at the airport before 8 am. Gio has packed his clothes and needs for the trip several days before. At 8 am, he and his family have already sit nicely inside the plane. Five minutes later, it took off.
Inside the plane, Gio couldn't stop smiling. He imagine what would it be like in China, because it’s the first time he went there. After 10 hours flight from England to China, they finally arrived at the airport. Day 1, they only booked a cheap hotel to rest their body for one night, getting ready for tomorrow. The next day, they hike up a mountain and pass through a forest. Along the walk in the woods, Gio saw various animals, but there was a species that Gio has never seen before in England. “What kind of animal is that, father? They’re so cute,” he laughed while looking the animals play. “They’re called red pandas, son. They’re one of the almost endangered species. You’re lucky you get to see them in the wild, in their real habitat.” his father explained. Gio was in awe. He then grabbed some peanuts out of his pocket and hand it to a red panda. It first looked Gio in caution, but then it rushed off to Gio’s hand and ate the peanuts. Gio laughed.
After few hours hiking up, they finally arrived at the top of the mountain. Gio could see a beautiful view from up there. He let out a shout, showed how happy he was. It was pretty cold up there, so he and his family started to build a tent. They’re going to spend one night here and have a campfire. They also watched sunset. And again, Gio smiled looking at the sunset. It was so beautiful. When the night comes in, they could see a billion stars, like they were seeing a galaxy, because they were on the top of a mountain and it’s far from the city lights. This time, Gio couldn't handle it anymore. He cried of happiness, seeing how beautiful the world is. He couldn’t stop praising God and thank Him for all of this. This was the best holiday and the most amazing experience he ever had.
Up :v
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