Thinking about suicide? What makes you want to end your life? Whatever it is, just remember it won't last forever. It's okay to cry as much as you want. Let it all out. But make sure you won't cry for the same reason ever again.
Have you ever think about how crazy it is that you go to school everyday and have fun with friends, do jokes and stuff, but when you're home you just run into your room, breakdown and cry and think of how depressed you really are but not a single person even know? That feels crazy, I know. But have you ever think what would happen after you die? Especially when it's your decision. If you do it, what would happen to your family? Your best friends? Your hard works? All the people that love you? You won't just leave them like that, don't you? When you think no one loves you, there is always at least one person who wish to be yours, darling. You may never know. Think twice. Think about all your reasons to be happy. Write them down if you need to. And every time you decide to end your life, read them all. over. again.
"Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present." It's true. Or you'll never feel happy. I understand the feeling of suicide. That crazy pain. But there is always something to do to distract you from drowning in sadness. Letting it out doesn't have to leave a scar. Put down those razors, wipe your tears, put your head up and face those monsters inside your head. Fight them. Kill them with your smile. Kill them with your strength. Don't let them crush you into pieces forever. It's time to get up and kill those monsters. I know you can do it. Someone out there needs you, and if you kill yourself, it means you kill all those people that love you. You kill their happiness. You know you don't want them to be the next people that feel sadness like yours. You want them to be happy, and they want you to be happy as well. So never think that nobody loves you. You are needed out there, and I love you. I mean every word I say, and it's true.
You live for a reason. You are here for a reason. Listen, someone may not be living right now if it wasn't for you. No matter how hard you're going through right now, please do NOT hurt yourself. Leaving scars on your body will only remind all the sad things and depressions every time you see them. Trust me, you may think your life is worthless, annoying and everyone are jerks, but if you don't give up, you will finally find the reason why are you here now and why all these things happen to you. Things will get better, I promise you. Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
"Everybody loves happiness. Nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain." Storm doesn't last forever. Flower grows through dirt. Stars can't shine without darkness. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. The pain you feel today is the strength you will feel tomorrow. Trust me darling, all these pain you feel will only make you stronger. I believe you can go through this. I believe you can make it. I believe you can stand up again. I believe you are stronger than your pain. Now YOU are the one who have to believe in yourself. You have to believe that everything will gets better, and know that you will get through these. Why? Because I've been where you are and I know, it gets better.
Now cheer up, buttercup.
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