Monday, December 15, 2014

A Poem

I know you hide behind your smile
Trying to hide the pain you feel inside

I know you cry on your pillows at night
While everyone sleeps tight

I know you try hard to look okay
When all you want to do is scream and cry

Painful smile
Wet pillows
Tired soul

And sometimes, don't you wish you could just escape reality?
It's okay
I do that too


Monday, September 22, 2014


Huruf demi huruf
Kata demi kata
Bersatu menjadi untaian kalimat
Membentuk sebuah paragraf yang indah

Membuatku tahu hal yang tak ku ketahui
Paham akan hal yang tak ku pahami
Dan mengerti hal yang tak ku mengerti

Serunya membaca...
Bagaikan pelangi di tengah kehidupan hitam putih
Yang memberiku ilmu
Yang memberiku manfaat

Dengan membaca...
Dunia seakan berada dalam genggaman
Marilah teman kita membaca
Menggapai impian untuk masa depan

--Erika Dp

Wednesday, June 25, 2014



Thinking about suicide? What makes you want to end your life? Whatever it is, just remember it won't last forever. It's okay to cry as much as you want. Let it all out. But make sure you won't cry for the same reason ever again.

Have you ever think about how crazy it is that you go to school everyday and have fun with friends, do jokes and stuff, but when you're home you just run into your room, breakdown and cry and think of how depressed you really are but not a single person even know? That feels crazy, I know. But have you ever think what would happen after you die? Especially when it's your decision. If you do it, what would happen to your family? Your best friends? Your hard works? All the people that love you? You won't just leave them like that, don't you? When you think no one loves you, there is always at least one person who wish to be yours, darling. You may never know. Think twice. Think about all your reasons to be happy. Write them down if you need to. And every time you decide to end your life, read them all. over. again.

"Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present." It's true. Or you'll never feel happy. I understand the feeling of suicide. That crazy pain. But there is always something to do to distract you from drowning in sadness. Letting it out doesn't have to leave a scar. Put down those razors, wipe your tears, put your head up and face those monsters inside your head. Fight them. Kill them with your smile. Kill them with your strength. Don't let them crush you into pieces forever. It's time to get up and kill those monsters. I know you can do it. Someone out there needs you, and if you kill yourself, it means you kill all those people that love you. You kill their happiness. You know you don't want them to be the next people that feel sadness like yours. You want them to be happy, and they want you to be happy as well. So never think that nobody loves you. You are needed out there, and I love you. I mean every word I say, and it's true.

You live for a reason. You are here for a reason. Listen, someone may not be living right now if it wasn't for you. No matter how hard you're going through right now, please do NOT hurt yourself. Leaving scars on your body will only remind all the sad things and depressions every time you see them. Trust me, you may think your life is worthless, annoying and everyone are jerks, but if you don't give up, you will finally find the reason why are you here now and why all these things happen to you. Things will get better, I promise you. Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

"Everybody loves happiness. Nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain." Storm doesn't last forever. Flower grows through dirt. Stars can't shine without darkness. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. The pain you feel today is the strength you will feel tomorrow. Trust me darling, all these pain you feel will only make you stronger. I believe you can go through this. I believe you can make it. I believe you can stand up again. I believe you are stronger than your pain. Now YOU are the one who have to believe in yourself. You have to believe that everything will gets better, and know that you will get through these. Why? Because I've been where you are and I know, it gets better.

Now cheer up, buttercup.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014


Lautan dalam biru
Hamparan rumput hijau
Bintang gemintang berhamburan
Gunung-gunung menjulang

Padang pasir terbentang
Bunga-bunga bermekaran
Binatang berkejaran
Burung beterbangan

Semua keindahan
Yang bertaburan dalam satu planet
Semua kehidupan
Yang berjalan di atas satu planet

Alangkah buruknya
Jika semua ini hancur
Demi para manusia
Yang mementingkan dirinya sendiri

Mari kita jaga planet kita ini
Planet yang menyimpan keajaiban
Planet yang teramat berharga
Planet berjuta impian

--Erika Dp

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Ku tengadahkan kepalaku ke langit
Mendongak ke atas
Menatap cahaya lembut
Yang menyinari gelapnya kota

Aduh, apakah cahaya itu?
Cantik sekali saat ditatap
Cahayanya yang menyinari kota
Layaknya menyinari hati

Menggantung di atas sana
Seperti sudah tersedia
Untuk siapa saja
Yang sedang sesak hatinya

Hanya dengan menatapnya
Semua beban terasa hilang untuk sementara
Menemani malam-malam sepi
Malam-malam sendiri

--Erika Dp


Satu planet
Milyaran cerita cinta
Satu orang
Jutaan rasa di hati
Satu kata
Tujuh langit terlewati

Bergejolak dalam senyuman
Doa dalam senyap
Kagum dalam diam
Tersembunyi dalam hati

Sesuatu yang hangat dan tulus
Yang diluluhkan hati ke hati
Yang mempunyai makna yang kuat
Yang membuat hidup lebih indah

--Erika Dp

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Sejuk membungkus
Air menari
Membuat percikan
Membuat basah

Meluncur dari langit
Menggelayut di dedaunan
Menghantam tanah
Mengusap wajah

Berdebum lembut
Membuat irama
Melepas pikiran
Memeluk hati

Milyaran tetes air
Yang membasuh bumi
Yang berbunyi indah
Yang mendamaikan jiwa

--Erika Dp

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pictures Update

Just some of my recent pictures update. Enjoy 
(p.s. Click for a bigger view)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Facts You Might Not Know

1. Smelling bananas and green apples can really help you lose weight.

2. People with a high IQ tend to talk to themselves more.

3. The antioxidants in bread crust can help fight and prevent cancer.

4. Brain named brain itself.

5. Hot water is heavier than cold.

6. Pluto is about the size of Russia.

7. It took Leonardo da Vinci around 12 years just to paint the Mona Lisa's lips.

8. Every snake can swim.

9. Humans are unable to taste pure water, but dogs can.

10. 5 people are killed by sharks every year. 11,000 sharks are killed every hour by humans.

Monday, February 17, 2014


"Mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menaklukkan dunia. Berlarilah tanpa lelah sampai engkau meraihnya." kata sepenggal lirik dari lagu Laskar Pelangi ini.

Siapa yang tak punya mimpi? Setiap orang di dunia ini pasti punya mimpi. Apalah arti hidup tanpa mimpi. Tak ada tujuan. Tak ada harapan. Hampa. Membosankan.

Sebagai seorang pemimpi, dari kecil aku sering berimajinasi. Membayangkan hal-hal hebat yang aku selalu harap bisa menjadi nyata. Sebagian imajinasiku berada di luar kehidupan nyata, terlalu fiksi. Tapi seiring aku bertumbuh dewasa, sebagian dari imajinasi-imajinasi gilaku itu aku singkirkan sebentar. Dan pelan-pelan, aku mulai memfokuskan ke mimpi-mimpi masuk akal ku yang masih bisa kujadikan nyata di kehidupan nyata, yang bisa berguna untuk masa depan ku, dan orang-orang di sekitarku.

Dari kecil, orang-orang selalu menanyakan cita-citaku. Mulai dari aku tidak mengerti apa itu cita-cita, menjadi mengarang-ngarang cita-cita, memikirkan kesukaan yang bisa kujadikan cita-cita, membuat cita-cita, mempunyai sedikit cita-cita, mempunyai terlalu banyak cita-cita, sampai kembali lagi, yang sekarang, mempunyai beberapa cita-cita. Seiring waktu berputar, cita-cita dan mimpiku juga bergonta-ganti. Semakin bertumbuh dewasa pun aku juga semakin mengerti apa itu mimpi dan mana yang cocok untuk kujadikan mimpi.

Aku juga berpikir, membuat cita-cita tercapai dan memiliki masa depan yang indah tidak bisa terjadi begitu saja. Menggapai mimpi itu seperti mendaki gunung. Kau harus terus jalan, maju, mendaki untuk mencapai puncaknya. Kau juga harus punya bekal, semangat, dan melewati jalan-jalan terjal. Nah, ketika kau putus asa, menyerah dan berputar arah menuruni gunung, tak jadilah kau sampai puncaknya. Tapi kalau kau pantang menyerah, tetap maju walau jalanan rusak dan terjal mengganggu, sampailah kau pada puncaknya. Dan setelah sampai, tinggal kau nikmati pemandangan yang mengagumkan itu dari puncak gunung.

Diluar sana sudah banyak orang-orang luar biasa yang meninspirasi ku untuk menjadi lebih baik. Aku ingin menjadi seperti mereka suatu hari nanti. Itu salah satu mimpi masuk akal ku. Kalau aku bercerita tentang mimpi fiksi ku kau pasti akan tertawa dan menganggap itu terlalu khayal. Hanya ada di film-film. Tapi akui sajalah, kalau itu bisa benar terjadi di kehidupan nyata, kau pasti akan berdecak kagum juga, bukan?

Sebelum aku terlanjur melanjutkan bicara panjang lebar tentang mimpi-mimpi fiksi ku, kita kembali ke topik. Sampai mana tadi? Oh ya. Setelah kupikir-pikir, hal-hal yang mereka lakukan bukan hanya baik untuk diri mereka sendiri, tapi juga bermanfaat untuk orang banyak. Itu luar biasa dan sangat menginspirasi. Sedikit contoh, seperti Mario Teguh atau Tere Liye. Mereka menularkan virus ke orang banyak yang membuat orang termotivasi untuk melakukan hal-hal bermanfaat, memperbaiki diri agar hidup menjadi lebih baik.

Orang-orang seperti itu menggerakkan hati dan pikiranku. Membuatku lebih banyak berpikir tentang hidup dan bagaimana memperbaiki diri, agar hidup bisa lebih bermanfaat dan masa depan lebih cemerlang. Mempersiapkan masa depan itu seperti duduk di dalam mobil sambil melihat lurus ke jendela depan. Bedanya, kalau kita tidak tau apa yang ingin dicapai di masa depan, sama seperti kacanya kotor, tertutup oleh debu. Kau tak bisa melihat jalan yang ada di depan. Tak tau arah. Ujung-ujungnya salah arah, menabrak. Tetapi kalau kau tau apa yang ingin dicapai, punya tujuan, sama seperti kacanya bersih kesat. Kau bisa melihat tujuannya dengan jelas. Tinggal fokus ke jalan, tancap gas, dan melesat dengan cepat.

Sekarang aku masih mencoba meninggalkan hal-hal yang tidak bermanfaat yang menjadi kesenanganku. Susah memang, tapi aku percaya aku bisa kalau punya keinginan yang kuat. Sama halnya dengan kau, yang sedang membaca ini. "Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk melakukan hal-hal yang tidak berguna." Sebagai anak 13 tahun, beberapa waktu lalu aku masih banyak menghabiskan waktu berada di sosial media untuk melakukan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan 'boyband.' Tetapi semakin lama aku merasa ada sesuatu yang tidak pas. Aku menyadari, ini semua hanya menghabiskan waktuku. Aku merasa seperti sampah. Mulai saat itu juga, aku mulai mengurangi kegiatanku melakukan hal yang kurang bermanfaat tentang boyband.

Baru-baru ini aku bercita-cita ingin menjadi penulis. Aku berpikir, kalau tulisanku bermanfaat, jelas akan berguna bagi orang lain. Dan hopefully orang lain juga menjadi gemar membaca. Tetapi, dari dulu aku juga bercita-cita setidaknya membantu bangsa Indonesia agar bisa menjadi lebih maju, sekecil apapun itu. Melihat kebanyakan pejabat Indonesia lebih mementingkan diri sendiri dibandingkan bangsanya itu membuatku miris. Aku selalu berharap calon pemimpin Indonesia di masa depan bisa jauh lebih baik dan yang benar-benar peduli terhadap bangsanya. Nah, bibit-bibit ini yang aku harap bisa tumbuh menjadi calon pemimpin-pemimpin baik bagi bangsa kita. Dari dulu aku sudah menyukai anak kecil. Diluar keimutan dan kelucuan mereka, merekalah bibit-bibitnya. Kadang aku suka menatap anak kecil, diluar menatap mereka gemas, sambil berharap saat mereka tumbuh besar mereka akan menjadi orang2 yang bermanfaat untuk Indonesia. Hal-hal seperti ini membuatku ingin menjadi guru. Aku berjanji kepada diriku, jika suatu saat nanti aku menjadi guru, aku akan  berusaha memberikan yang terbaik yang aku bisa untuk muridku.

Aku harap mimpi atau cita-cita kita semua bukan hanya memberi kita kesenangan, tapi juga bermanfaat untuk diri kita dan orang lain.

"Dreams don't work unless you do." x

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Most of us has been bullied. Never been bullied? Lucky you. But don't say you're the bully.

Come on now. What's the point of bullying? It doesn't make you better, or smarter, or richer. I don't get why people would mock somebody, laugh then walk away like it's nothing. I've heard lots of stories about people committed suicide because of bullying. And it's a serious problem. Nothing is funny about bullying.

Words do hurt people. A simple 'go kill yourself' can lead to a big, serious problem. Whoa, those words kill. Why bully when you can be friendly? Why hate when you can love? Why mean when you can be nice? Why make war when you can live in peace? 

Cyber bullying or real life bullying, they're just the same. They're still hurt. Some people bully because they wanna be the 'king'. They wanna be the boss and be on a higher level than anyone else. Trust me, don't try too hard to impress people and bring anyone down, because you will never feel happy. I repeat, don't try too hard to impress people and bring anyone down, because you will never feel happy. You'll always get worried once someone become or has something better than yours.

Us people need to learn to be thankful and accept the things we already have, than worrying about all the things we don't have. If we're actually thankful for every little thing we have, we would be much happier.

Talk about bullying, I personally did get bullied. It was totally horrible, I wanted to die. Sadly, I died. Hahah, just kidding. Sadly, I had too much fear of having enemy. I wanted to be friends with everyone. So instead of being honest about my feelings, I kept it all inside. I heard my friends talked behind my back, laughing about my imperfections. I could scream in front of their faces, but I chose to be quiet. I didn't wanna cause more problems. I heard every word they said, but they didn't know I heard their conversations. And I pretended that everything was fine. I pretended I didn't hear them, even though those words killed me so badly. I was 11, and it wasn't that easy to handle those feelings. I tried my best though.

I got hurt almost everyday at school, and I totally wasn't being myself. They would call me names every time I passed by. I once tried to be myself, but they would judge me hard and stay away from me. My fear of losing friends was too big. I even forced myself to be friends with those 'mean girls', just because I didn't wanna have any enemy. I hated myself for being too nice to people that don't deserve to be nice with. Those fake friends would judge EVERY little thing I do, and that made me real tired. Not a single person knew how I actually feel inside that whole time. For that age I was so bottled up and didn't know what to do. I became super quite around them and forced myself to shut up unless there are something important to tell.

I was different. I didn't have any real friends until I was 7th grade. I was the happiest girl in the entire universe when I moved school. I made some best friends there at my new school, and they would accept me for who I really am. I felt so free.

Looking back at the past made me realise how stupid I was. I didn't have to be too afraid. I didn't have to be friends with people I don't want to be friends with. I didn't have to force myself. I didn't have to hide my feelings. I didn't have to be someone else.

One day I went on twitter and saw some words that sound like "You have haters? Good. It means you stand up for something." And I finally understand. It's okay you don't fit in. It's okay not to be okay. It's okay to be hated. It's okay not to be perfect. It's okay to be yourself. Because no matter what you do, they'll still judge you anyway. And since that day, a part of me has changed. I become not afraid to be myself anymore.

If you're getting bullied, don't worry. Show them you're not weak. There are many people from every part of the world are trying to fight back too. We're together. You'll always have someone you can share your stories with and ask for help. Every time they knock you down, you choose to stand back up or lying on the ground forever. As cheesy as this sounds, your life depends on you. The end will be good if you never give up.

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end." x